Wednesday, July 25, 2012

COSTS -- a guideline


All the following costs are estimates -- you have control over lowering or increasing costs depending on your pattern of spending for eating, hotel selections, taxi use, and your air fare, but here are some guidelines.

Total cost per person: in the range of about $4,500 per person, based on double occupancy (this is the lower end estimate, but, depending on food, taxis, and other variables -- see below -- this could be higher depending on what you do).  About $800 extra for single occupancy (based on single occupancy in hotels). Here's how this breaks out:
-- Airfare from NY or other US cities: about $1,200 per person. Could possibly be less depending on "deals."  You arrange your air fare on your own.
-- Nine hotel nights averaging about $100 per person per night (=$900).  Hotels are paid for when confirmed.
-- Trains approximately $270 per person (includes the "Gold Card" senior discount -- this would be about 25% to 30% higher for those under 65 years old).   Trains are paid for at the time tickets are issued (typically at Madrid's Atocha station).
-- Meals/beverages/wines from $25 to $150 per person per day (or more), dependent totally on your choices, and paid individually at each place, or the cost is evenly divided/shared within the group.
-- Taxis throughout trip, total about $125 per person for substantial taxi use to avoid walking, or as low as about $50 per person based on two sharing if just for airport transfers and from train stations to hotels and back. Paid individually at the time of service.
-- Shows, museum visits, and other entrance/venue fees: about $200 per person for entire trip, but can be substantially less if you DO less.  Paid individually at the time of service.

For further information, email dondillin @, or phone 1-202-203-0987
Your host,
Don Dillin

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